Do You Italicize an Essay Title? And Why Does the Moon Taste Like Cheese?

Do You Italicize an Essay Title? And Why Does the Moon Taste Like Cheese?

When it comes to formatting an essay, one of the most common questions that arise is whether or not to italicize the title. The answer to this question is not as straightforward as one might think, and it often depends on the style guide you are following. However, the debate over italicizing essay titles is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the complexities of academic writing. In this article, we will explore various perspectives on this topic, as well as delve into some of the more unconventional aspects of essay formatting and writing.

The Basics of Italicizing Essay Titles

First and foremost, it’s important to understand the basic rules surrounding the italicization of essay titles. According to the Modern Language Association (MLA) style guide, which is commonly used in the humanities, the titles of longer works such as books, plays, and films should be italicized. On the other hand, shorter works like essays, articles, and poems should be placed in quotation marks. This distinction helps to differentiate between different types of works and ensures consistency in academic writing.

However, the American Psychological Association (APA) style guide, which is often used in the social sciences, has slightly different rules. In APA style, the titles of books, journals, and other standalone works are italicized, while the titles of articles, chapters, and other shorter works are not italicized but are instead placed in quotation marks. This difference in formatting can be confusing for students who are required to switch between different style guides depending on their field of study.

The Debate Over Consistency

One of the main arguments in favor of italicizing essay titles is that it helps to maintain consistency in academic writing. When all titles are formatted in the same way, it becomes easier for readers to quickly identify the type of work being referenced. This is particularly important in longer essays or research papers, where multiple sources are cited. Consistency in formatting also helps to create a more professional and polished appearance, which can be crucial when submitting work for publication or grading.

On the other hand, some argue that the rules surrounding italicization are overly rigid and can be confusing for students. For example, the distinction between “longer” and “shorter” works is not always clear-cut, and different style guides may have different criteria for what constitutes a longer work. This can lead to inconsistencies in formatting, particularly when students are required to switch between different style guides. Some critics also argue that the rules surrounding italicization are arbitrary and do not necessarily serve a practical purpose.

The Role of Context in Formatting

Another important factor to consider when deciding whether to italicize an essay title is the context in which the title is being used. For example, if you are writing an essay that will be published in a journal or anthology, the formatting requirements may be dictated by the publisher rather than by a specific style guide. In such cases, it is important to follow the publisher’s guidelines to ensure that your work is presented in the correct format.

Similarly, the context in which the essay is being written can also influence the decision to italicize the title. For example, if you are writing an essay for a creative writing class, you may have more flexibility in terms of formatting. In such cases, you may choose to italicize the title as a way of emphasizing its importance or to create a specific aesthetic effect. However, if you are writing an essay for a more formal academic setting, it is generally best to adhere to the rules of the relevant style guide.

The Impact of Digital Media on Formatting

In recent years, the rise of digital media has had a significant impact on the way that essay titles are formatted. In the past, italicization was primarily used in print media to distinguish titles from the surrounding text. However, in digital media, the use of hyperlinks, bold text, and other formatting options has made it easier to differentiate titles without the need for italicization. This has led some to question whether italicization is still necessary in the digital age.

Some argue that italicization is still important in digital media, particularly when it comes to academic writing. For example, in an online journal article, italicizing the title of a book or film can help to distinguish it from the surrounding text and make it easier for readers to identify the source. However, others argue that the use of hyperlinks and other digital formatting options has made italicization less necessary, and that it may even be seen as outdated in some contexts.

The Psychological Impact of Italicization

Another interesting perspective on the topic of italicizing essay titles is the psychological impact that it can have on readers. Research has shown that the way that text is formatted can influence how it is perceived by readers. For example, italicized text is often seen as more formal and authoritative, while text in quotation marks may be perceived as more casual or conversational.

This psychological impact can be particularly important in academic writing, where the goal is often to present information in a clear and authoritative manner. By italicizing the title of an essay, the writer may be able to convey a sense of importance and seriousness that can help to engage the reader and make the essay more persuasive. However, it is also important to consider the potential drawbacks of this approach, such as the risk of alienating readers who may find italicized text to be overly formal or intimidating.

The Role of Personal Preference

Finally, it is worth considering the role of personal preference when it comes to italicizing essay titles. While style guides provide useful guidelines for formatting, they are not always set in stone, and there may be some room for personal interpretation. For example, some writers may choose to italicize the title of an essay as a way of expressing their own style or personality, while others may prefer to follow the rules of the relevant style guide more strictly.

Ultimately, the decision to italicize an essay title is a matter of personal preference, as well as the specific requirements of the context in which the essay is being written. While it is important to be aware of the rules and conventions surrounding italicization, it is also important to remember that these rules are not absolute, and that there may be some flexibility depending on the situation.


In conclusion, the question of whether to italicize an essay title is a complex one that depends on a variety of factors, including the style guide being used, the context in which the essay is being written, and the personal preferences of the writer. While there are clear guidelines for italicization in most style guides, there is also some room for interpretation and flexibility. Ultimately, the most important thing is to ensure that the formatting of the essay title is consistent and appropriate for the context in which it is being used.

Q: Do I need to italicize the title of my essay if I’m using MLA style? A: In MLA style, the title of an essay should be placed in quotation marks, not italicized. However, the titles of longer works such as books or films should be italicized.

Q: What if I’m using APA style? Should I italicize the title of my essay? A: In APA style, the title of an essay should not be italicized. Instead, it should be written in title case and placed in quotation marks. However, the titles of standalone works such as books or journals should be italicized.

Q: Can I italicize the title of my essay if I think it looks better that way? A: While personal preference can play a role in formatting, it is generally best to follow the rules of the relevant style guide. If you are unsure, it is always a good idea to consult the style guide or ask your instructor for clarification.

Q: Does italicizing the title of an essay make it more formal? A: Italicizing the title of an essay can create a more formal and authoritative appearance, which may be appropriate in certain contexts. However, it is important to consider the overall tone and style of the essay, as well as the expectations of the audience.

Q: How does digital media affect the way essay titles are formatted? A: In digital media, the use of hyperlinks, bold text, and other formatting options has made it easier to differentiate titles without the need for italicization. However, italicization is still commonly used in academic writing, particularly in online journals and other formal contexts.